Our Story

Dedicated to serving Tennessee’s Recovery Courts for over 20 years.
in 1996.
Davidson County Drug Court Opens and the Nashville Drug Court Support Foundation (NDCSF) is established.
NDCSF is operating with a full-time staff.
NDCSF begins what would become an almost 20-year effort to secure continued funding and provide support for Tennessee Recovery Courts (2004-Present).
$1.7M was appropriated by the Governor’s Office for the Methamphetamine Task Force to work with NDCSF and Tennessee Recovery Courts located in Nashville to create a pilot program expanding long-term residential drug court treatment beds beyond Davidson County.
Tennessee Recovery Courts located in Nashville expand their referrals to accept participants statewide.
NDCSF advocates for recurring funding for Drug/Recovery Courts in Tennessee.
NDCSF establishes the first Alumni Group and opens a Recovery House on Red Rose Court in Nashville.
NDCSF works with community based recovery housing providers helping establish Tennessee Alliance of Recovery Residences TN-ARR and worked to secure additional state funding - $325k in one -time funding.
NDCSF develops a partnership between Tennessee Recovery Courts and the Davidson County Mental Health Court (2009) which expands and enhances Tennessee Recovery Courts services to include participants with severe and persistent co-occurring disorders
With assistance from Judge Norman, NRCSF educated members of the legislature about the program’s impact and effectiveness. The General Assembly appropriated $982,000 in recurring funding via a grant from TDOC to Tennessee Recovery Courts.
NDCSF helps legislators develop and draft legislation that was passed by the General Assembly and increases offender paid revenue collected through the DUI Special Fund.
NDSCF under the vision of Judge Norman in partnership with the Departments of Mental Health, Corrections and Safety expands long-term court supervised residential beds for male offenders through the establishment of the Morgan County Residential Recovery Court (MCRRC).
2017 - 2020.
NDCSF, under the vision of Judge Norman, spent three years advocating for a Women’s Residential Recovery Court in Tennessee. Similar to the Morgan County Residential Recovery Court (MCRRC) the Women’s Residential Recovery Court will expand the number of long-term residential beds for female offenders. The new facility is under renovation and NDCSF is providing ongoing support.
In line with the State of Tennessee recovery court movement, NDCSF contracted with a local designer to rebrand its name and logo establishing itself as the Nashville Recovery Court Support Foundation (NRCSF)