For more than 20 years, we have helped build the bridge between recovery and the criminal justice system.

  • Group of men participating in fellowship at MCRRC, a Tennessee Recovery Court

    Morgan County Residential Recovery Court. Founded in 2013.

  • Group of Facilitators and Volunteers of Nashville Recovery Court Support Foundation
  • Judge Pemberton at Morgan County Residential Recovery Court (MCRRC).

    Judge Michael Pemberton at
    Morgan County Residential Recovery Court (MCRRC).

A Whole Community Approach to Recovery

The therapeutic community approach was developed as a way to rebuild a broken system for non-violent offenders. Focusing on healing the whole person and strengthening our communities in Tennessee, our programs help residents identify behaviors that can lead to substance use disorders then implement a restorative approach to treatment and recovery. Residents learn to make positive changes in their lives through the support and guidance of fellow residents, staff members, and other community leaders all while giving back through community service.

We are now the Judge Seth Norman Recovery Foundation (JSNRF)!

Dedicated to supporting the therapeutic community approach to substance use disorders in the state of Tennessee.

  • “There was much more to my addiction than drugs...After being [at MCRRC], I see how much my life has changed for the better.”

    Gary W.

  • “I was using anything and everything [drugs and alcohol] … I was completely lost and hopeless. I had accepted that I was destined to be a drug addict until the day I died... I am living proof that recovery is possible.”

    David W.

  • I am so grateful for Nashville Recovery Court Support Foundation, because today after 40 years of drug abuse, I have hope and faith in myself.


Beyond Treatment

JSNRF engages and connects with its alumni across the state regularly to share their successes as an inspiration for the residential recovery community.

Through their stories, they encourage current residents on their own treatment and recovery journey.

Are you a JSNRF/NRCSF Alumni? Connect Here.

Building Partnerships

The JSNRF is dedicated to opening lines of communication between the residential recovery programs the communities at large to foster sustained relationships.

This works best when the we can partner with the community. Email us directly to find out how you can make an in-kind donation or establish a partnership.

Safer, Stronger Communities

The JSNRF helps recovery to become a reality by giving to and serving as operational support to proven long-term recovery programs with a track record of success.

We can only do this with our community partners, like you.

Donate here to support the efforts of JSNRF.

The JSNRF (formerly NRCSF) is a 501 (c)(3) organization | EIN: 62-1693413