Residential Facilities

Supporting Residential Recovery Courts
in Tennessee since 2004.
Morgan County Residential Recovery Court (MCRRC)
MCRRC is a substance abuse treatment program serving men addicted to drugs or alcohol. MCRRC is a multi-modality program bringing together a variety of evidence-based treatment methods, psychiatric and psychological services, recovery court principles, and case management to help residents in their recovery. Residents also have access to basic medical, dental and other core services as needed during their time in the program.
Women’s Residential Recovery Court of Tennessee (WRRC)
The Women’s Residential Recovery Court (WRRC) of Tennessee opened in the spring of 2022. Judge Angelita Blackshear Dalton serves as the Judicial leadership for the program. Fill out an application below and please check back later for more information.
Need an application?
Please use the links below to review the Residential Recovery Court program applications. For questions, please contact us.